Allamani A., Beccaria F., Celata C., Cipriani F., Einstein S., Pepe P., Prina. F, Rolando S., e Voller F. (2018) Una riflessione... Mostra articolo
Rolando, S., & Beccaria, F. (2018). Young people and drinking in Italy: the good side of familism. Journal of Modern... Mostra articolo
Rolando e Beccaria (2017). Report cross nazionale sui risultati della survey svolta in Italia, Slovenia e Portogallo sul consumo di... Mostra articolo
Report cross-nazionale sui risultati degli studi condotti sul web in Italia, Portogallo e Slovenia e dello studio su un marketplace... Mostra articolo
Masculinities and femininities of drinking in Finland, Italy and Sweden: Doing, modifying and unlinking gender in relation to different drinking... Mostra articolo
From housekeeper to status-oriented consumer and hyper-sexual imagery: images of alcohol targeted to Italian women from the 1960s to the 2000s.
Allamani, A., Beccaria, F., & Einstein, S. (2017). A Commentary on the Limits of Alcoholic Beverage Policies. Alcohol and Alcoholism,... Mostra articolo
Rolando S., Rena A., Liquori O’Neil A., Beccaria F., Smith C. J. (2016). Exploring the level of gender mainstreaming in... Mostra articolo
Rolando S., Scavarda S. (2016). ITALIAN REPORT. Gambling policy in European welfare regimes. A European research project on the profitability... Mostra articolo