ALICE RAP – Addictions and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addiction Project

Multi-year interdisciplinary porject that aims to deepen knowledge and raise awareness among decision makers of the changes taking place in the phenomenon of addictions and the different aspects of the problem. Eclectica partecipated in the following WP:

  • WP1. Addiction through the ages – investigation into the emergence of different concepts of addiction applied to different substances and behaviors, from a historical, social anche political point of view.
  • WP2. Stakeholder analysis – qualitative research on the positions and roles of stakeholders in the political debate relating to addictions.
  • WP3. Images – investigation into images and representations of compulsive behaviors (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, eating disorders, gambling, sex) and how these change over time and depending on the cultural and political context.
  • WP11. The impact of suppliers – study on producers or suppliers of additive substances, on the motivations to increase or reduce additive behaviors and strategies relating to Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • WP12. Addictions’ web of influence – study on the role of the industry in the public, scientific and political debate on addiction.

FP7-HEALTH-2007 – EU
